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Where it all began..

My baking story starts with that 'health kick' phase that we all say we are going to follow through with in the new year. I have been a keen footballer for Southendan Ladies for eleven years, sprinter for Southend Athletcs club and major Yoga enthusiast!


I soon found my passion for baking and love of plant based foods. This was through the realisation of how cruelly animals are treated, not only in the slaughter houses but in the dairy and egg industry. Animals have become so heavily exploited by humans to the point where it is having a serious effect on the planet. Whether 'organic', 'free range' or 'substainably sourced' all animals end up being slaughtered or left in cramp conditions - not my version of 'cruelty free'. Becoming vegan also supported my health in the way that I am lactose and yeast intolerant. 


Veganism is a hell of a lot easier than you think! With the amount of meat substitutes, plant based milks and dairy products hitting the shelves now you'll be living a cruelty free plant based diet that is full of nutritious value - without giving up on dishes you onced loved!


All of my recipes are dairy, egg and yeast free. The large majority are also gluten free with no refined sugars!


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